Pricing Made Simple

The final cost of any job should be simple: good value and fair to both of us. That’s why, from day one, I’ve found it best to work by a simple hourly rate—currently $79/hour with a 2-hour minimum. (Beyond that it’s just quarter-hour increments – not a full hour charge for 3 minutes over!)

You’ll be surprised at how much I get done in a short time, and I’ll always see that you get your money’s worth.I don’t give quotes or bid on projects because most of the things I do can have plenty of unknowns and variables. My approach is a very customized, personal-touch service, with your input welcome at any point along the way. I work efficiently and creatively in every way I can. My success is built on referrals, and price has never been an issue after final inspection. I’m glad to adapt to your schedule or budget constraints as needed.

On the rare chance it’s necessary to come in advance to look over your needs, I’ll give my best guess as to the time that may be required, along with whatever materials will be needed and who will provide them. You’re welcome to provide materials or run for them as needed if you like. I’ll keep you updated along the way if there are possible cost-saving options, needed changes, or unexpected surprises. I want you to always feel free to ask about the money factor; I understand that things are tight for all of us.

Many jobs are done in a few hours. If I see that your project list may take more than a day, you’ll always know where we stand relative to your expectations. I’m naturally conscientious, so if I hit a snag or find myself on a “learning curve," I’ll adjust my schedule when it’s my problem and not yours.

Payment in full is expected upon completion of work (check or cash welcome); deposits may be required on larger jobs with significant material costs. * Note that as of 1/1/17, NC tax on labour is required with payment: 6.75% in Union County, 7.25% in Mecklenburg County.

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